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I am a mom, just like many of you. I used to be very disorganized, and important things got forgotten all the time. (Yes, I even missed a mortgage payment once.) Even my marriage was suffering because I was forgetting to do things that my husband had asked me to take care of. I knew I had to change, so I started with a notebook, and over time and with trial and error, I designed the Torah Family Living planner. It now goes with me everywhere and is used many times every day.
I have been a paper planner user for many years now. I know that my brain benefits from writing things down, and I feel more grounded knowing that I have at least a rough plan for my day. I am so excited to be able to finally bring you a planner designed just for moms on this Torah journey. I have tried to pack as many Torah keeping features as I could into this package, and try to keep it from feeling like an encyclopedia.
Over the next few days, I’ll be sending you some emails to help you understand better the importance and process of having a plan. It’s an incredible tool to have at your disposal. It helps you to be better in every area of your life.
If you’ve felt overwhelmed and disorganized trying to keep track of all the things, I guarantee that the first time you actually remember to thaw the meat because you planned dinner, the overwhelm will begin to lift. Your good intentions will start to pay off, because one glance in your planner will tell you what Torah portion to read this Shabbat. You will feel on fire as a Torah observant mom when you use the feast day planning pages to get ready for the next holy day, rather than realizing Sukkot starts in a week. Having everything in one place is life changing, and enables you to go from pulling out your hair to calm, cool, and collected.
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