Creating a birth sukkah–Bible verses

I printed some verses to look at during my labor with Noah 2 1/2 years ago. They were a great comfort to me. I was anxious to add a few to my list for this baby due in about 10 weeks, give or take a few. Smile

I found some printable verses specifically chosen for labor over at the Who can Stand? blog. You can find them here.

I also made my own printable for Psalm 20, which is traditionally used among Jews during labor. My daughter Holly added some lovely embellishment for me. You can download a PDF here. CCF02262014

psalm 20Another verse that I keep thinking about is the description of the Hebrew women while in slavery in Egypt.

Because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women, for they are vigorous and give birth before the midwife comes to them. Ex. 1:19

It’s not that I want to give birth before the midwife arrives, but I would love to be vigorous in labor, and not slow. I asked Holly to help me create a printable of this one, too. You can get it here. CCF02262014_0001

exodus 1

I am laminating each of these since I am planning a water birth. During Noah’s labor, all my verses curled up and I couldn’t see them lol. We won’t be making that mistake again. I then plan to punch a hole in them and safety pin them to the curtains that make up the wall of my birth sukkah.

What verses have been encouraging to you during labor? I would love to add them to my birth sukkah walls. Smile

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