Anointing your home as a family

Why anoint your home? The home is the center of our family life. I love how Brad Scott would describe Scripture as being all about a man, a woman, a house, and a piece of land. The tagline of Torah Family Living is ‘helping you make Torah the heart of your home.’ The home is […]

My son’s prayer routine

My third son came to me the other day to share how he has been praying lately, and I was very encouraged by it. Not only was it a blessing to hear that he was proactively seeking Yah and trying to be consistent in talking to Him, but he also had some great ideas. I […]

Verses to pray for your husband

This month, I was going through one of my old Scripture journals, rereading the passages and the prayers I had written out. I kept that journal at a time when my husband was facing a lot of challenges and uncertainty. Many of the passages were prayers that I prayed for him. I thought it would […]

Talking finances with your spouse

Money seems to be one of the biggest pain points in marriage. In other subjects, we are the epitomy of grace and cordiality, but when talking finances, we may fight like cats and dogs, or avoid the topic entirely. Neither approach gets things done. Today, I’d like to share with you a few tips for […]

Love by the book pt. 1

First Corinthians 13, the love chapter, has been added to wedding programs for decades, but otherwise, we pretty much gloss over it. We don’t glean the tremendous wisdom laid out in this amazing chapter. As I have studied Scripture, I have come to the conclusion that the vast majority of Scripture exists to help us […]

10 ways to love your children

Scripture teaches us to not only love our neighbor, but to love our children. The relationships we build in our home are perhaps the most important ones we will ever build. A child with a secure connection to their parents has a much easier time trusting and obeying them, and by extension, learns to trust […]

Ezer Kenegdo resource list

ezer kenegdo

This is a topic I have wanted to write about for some time. But it seems to be one of those things that – the more I learn, the more I realize I don’t know. I don’t feel prepared to write my own article yet, but I want to help women learn their role as […]

Moms, love your children

love children

Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children.    Titus 2:3-4 Every mom loves their children, right? We look at their adorable angelic faces as they sleep and are […]

Pray for your husband


It seems so obvious to pray for our husband when we say it aloud, but we might be falling a bit short in practice. Today, I’d like to give you lots of practical help in the important task of praying for your husband. The tips are helping me, too. Pray in the moment There is […]

When mom has health issues

health issues

Today I want to share with you one of my hidden struggles and how I have learned to rise above it. I’m a mom with chronic health issues. I hope my tips will help you if you struggle with health issues as well. I have mentioned briefly before that I have a genetic disorder called […]