Creation is our faith foundation

We are told to live by faith. We are to believe in a God we cannot see and trust Him to continue to be who He claims to be. How do we do that? What is our faith based on? We live in such an uncertain world full of fraud and lies. How can we […]
How to fill your homeschool library

A family homeschool library doesn’t need to be huge or take up a lot of space, if it is created with thought. It should be built with solid resources and classics. Passing interests can be researched at a public library. In today’s post, I’d like to explore some of the key book categories that deserve […]
Nature study in winter

Nature study has always been a big part of my life. When I was little, my dad would walk around the yard with me and tell the names of the flowers and trees. I have done the same with my children. Nature study doesn’t have to be fancy. We just need to learn to observe […]
What I believe about creation, and why it matters

I think I will start by simply saying that I have believed in a flat earth for many years. I have kept it to myself, even though I have studied the topic extensively and am very committed in my belief. As I was talking to my husband the other evening, I realized that I often […]
Nature study for moms

I have always enjoyed taking walks with my kids and teaching them the names of the flowers. Nature study is an integral part of many homeschools. We call it science. It can be as simple as taking walks outside with our kids and talking about what we see. It can be as complex as keeping […]
Torah science – guiding principles

Taking your kids outside to observe and learn about nature is a tremendous way to teach them about their Creator. I love going for little walks with my kids and seeing what we can find, from ant hills to wildflowers, to grasshoppers. Most of the time, I just send them outside to explore on their […]
Torah science – wildflowers

Today, I want to take you on a little stroll down memory lane. Hopefully, I can share with you the love of nature that I acquired in my childhood and have tried to pass on to my children. My little sister and I spent hours outside playing. The first house I remember was a cement […]
Torah Science – goldenrod

As we look at Torah, we find that it is filled with stories and pictures based on the world around us. The first people were placed in a garden. We see rivers, seas, trees, animals, and deserts. Yeshua taught us parables to show us that we see lessons first in the physical world, and then […]
The Outdoor Hour – Challenge #2
This week’s challenge was to focus on what we could hear, see, and feel. Thanks to Daddy coming along and acting as photographer, we have a few extra photos this week. 🙂 Overall, it was very quiet during our nature hike, but we definitely could hear lots of snapping branches. There is lots of deadwood […]
The Outdoor Hour – Challenge #1
I know I’m a bit late in the game, but I was pleased to discover The Outdoor Hour last week. I have the book “Handbook of Nature Study,” but it had been sitting on a shelf. We are not new to the idea of nature study however. I have been teaching my children flower names […]
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