And the verdict is…….

We have a beautiful, healthy baby boy!

He looks great and is measuring about 2 weeks ahead of what we were anticipating.  I’ll have to adjust my pregnancy ticker a little lol.  I don’t seem to have excess fluid, so we’re not completely sure why I was measuring big, but we are delighted to know he is healthy and growing well at about 2.5 lbs.

We were emotionally and physically prepared for twins, so there was a little bit of a let down, but we could feel nothing but blessed for this wonderful gift!  Praise YHVH!  He gives life and we are so thankful to receive it.  And one baby to care for suddenly seems like a breeze!

We are also thankful that our traveling went well, and the kids all did well at Gramps and Marme’s house.  Even Elisha, who is a serious momma’s boy, did well.

Now to officially introduce our baby boy, his name is Noah Ephraim.

Thank you everyone, for your prayers.

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12 Responses

  1. CONGRATS Heidi!! What precious pictures of Noah Ephraim!! Praise Yah that he is healthy and all is well!!
    I find seeing a bubba on ultrasound such an amazing and beautiful thing, it always brings tears to my eyes.
    Luv Donna

  2. Heidi, you may not wish to share, but I am curious as to the names and ages and genders of your other precious little ones. I know you have posted about them before but I cant seem to get my pregnant head around how many and who are your precious ones.
    Luv Donna

  3. Halleluyah and Mazel Tov!

    My mid wife says after a few preganacies they start the appear larger. She says we seem to loose some of the elasticity we once had on our bellies for the first few. Don;t know if there is anything to it…but she was conviced there was. πŸ™‚ OK…gonna go write you in person now! πŸ™‚

  4. Donna – I have five kiddos right now. Naomi is 8, Holly is 7, Isaac is 5, Sadie is 3, Elisha is 1.

    Thanks everyone! I am so happy to see him growing and doing well, and I love that I now know who he is. YHVH gave me a wonderful test of faith. Would I be ready and willing to accept two? I hope I passed. It was so wonderful to have Doug lean over during the ultrasound and give me a kiss. He said it was so wonderful to see our healthy baby boy.

  5. OHHHHHH Very Great Blessing! Thank you so much for sharing your blessing with us all! The "all rise" was funny…gave me a giggle!

  6. Hi little Noah Ephraim (waving madly and blowing kisses!!!)
    Congrats Heidi! That is such wonderful news! Praise Yah for His blessing of new life!
    I really do understand the feeling of preparing for twins (it has happened to us twice now) but as you said, praising YHVH for little Noah!
    So glad to hear he is doing well and that you are too.
    Lots of love,
    Lusi x

  7. Congratulations Heidi ~ you have been blessed by YHVH…enjoy the days with your little man close to your heart…in your belly πŸ™‚ Praying for health and strength and energy for you today!
    Shalom, Leah

  8. Thanks for answering my question Heidi πŸ™‚ Aha, so little Noah will make the family even πŸ™‚ 3 boys and 3 girls. what a joy!!
    Luv Donna

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