The cost of love

I just watched footage of the little Chinese girl hit by a truck. She has now died of organ failure. What broke my heart was the people that walked past her without helping. They not only refused to help her, they didn’t even look. She might as well have been a sack of potatoes.

It reminds me of the man in Scripture, traveling to Jericho and robbed on his way. He lay on the side of the road, beaten and unable to help himself. Two men walked by him, and even crossed to the other side of the road to avoid getting too close. It was only a Samaritan, a supposed enemy that finally stopped. He then took the man to an inn and paid for his treatment. He knew the meaning of love.

Sometimes love costs us something. In fact, I would say it usually costs us something. Have we become so selfish that we can’t be bothered to show love to our fellow man? Are we afraid to get our hands dirty? Do we want to avoid getting involved?

What could possibly have been going through those people’s heads? How could they walk past a little girl, injured and desperately in need of help? Did they have somewhere to be? Did they not see her? Did they see her and decide she wasn’t worth the effort? Was she of no value in their eyes?

Do we make the same mistake? Do we ignore people in need? Do we strip them of their value? Is the widow too old? Is the unborn baby too inconvenient to birth? Is the homeless person not important enough to feed?

We are called to love our neighbor as ourselves. It doesn’t matter what it costs us. We are to love. We are to notice those who are in need. We are to stop and help them. We are to show the love of the Messiah to them. It doesn’t matter who they are. It doesn’t matter what the need is. We have received love, and we are to pass it on.

Is there someone crying out for help in your life? Will you see them? Will you help them? Will you love them?

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3 Responses

  1. Heidi it saddened me so much too that this could happen! Where is the Iove and care of our fellow man? In 2005 when I had a blood disease, one of the procedures I had to have was a bone marrow biopsy to rule out leukemia. It was an incredibly painful thing. They extract bone marrow with a huge needle by breaking through the hip bone. I was under local but could feel the pain so the dr gave me more. By the time he was done I was in agony so he gave me an oral sedative too. I waited for 40 mins then they sent me home. Brett and I walked to the front off the hospital and he went to get the car. Before he got back (because of how much sedative was now in my system) I passed out and landed face down in my own vomit. This was right at the main entrance to the hospital! I remember coming to, still lying there on the ground unable to get up and seeing shoes walking by me. Nobody stopped to help me. Not one person. It wasn’t until Brett brought the car round to pick me up that he saw me lying there, jumped put of the car and carried me back inside the hospital for attention.
    I know it’s not the same thing as what happened to that poor little one in China but I’ll never forget the feeling I had seeing shoes walking by as I lay there having no energy to get up.
    May we take time to help others like Yahsua said.
    Love Lus x

  2. Yes Heidi, we have to wonder what exactly were these people thinking for allowing this to happen without helping. I pray that Yah would continue to use us for anything he pleases. I pray that we are not so caught up in our own little life that we are able to see who we can help.

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