Torah family interview #6


Today we meet Jessica Oren. I know you will find her a kindred spirit. 🙂

  • Tell us a little about yourself.

I grew up Sabbath and Feast keeping but let myself get swept away by the world as a teen and young adult. I made a secret promise to him in college and starting searching for the truth and guess what? I found it! After studying hard and testing every faith, I realized that the bible was truth (all of it!) I met my husband at our Sabbath keeping congregation. We were married in 2007. We have been journeying together to become more like Him since then. I have two children, Asher and Hana under the age of 5. I am a homeschooling, soapmaking, homemaking momma. I work two jobs from home so I can be with the children. I am a birth doula for women in childbearing and pregnancy, which I love tremendously to do. I also am the Marketing and Brand manager for a herbal supplement company. I am also a family herbalist and love healthy and natural living.

  • When and how did you begin your journey of following Torah?

From childhood my family found the Sabbath and the Feasts but it wasn’t until my adulthood that I truly grasped and starting to follow the true essence of Torah. It was a struggle and many times I fell from reaching my goals, but as I grow year by year I pray I am accounted worthy for this calling. I learn something every month or every week about myself, Torah and the Scriptures, it is really Living Torah. I researched and tried every religion in college and the only one that seems provable to me with science, scripture and common sense was the Torah and the Messiah. Still learning and coming out of the world bit by bit!

  • What truth really sealed the deal for you?

That the seventh day Sabbath was not changeable, founded on biblical and scriptural doctrine and scientifically proven to be the best day of rest for humankind. After proving this, I knew I had to get back to my roots and dive into the scriptures to find more truths. The Sabbath day was it for me.

  • What has been your greatest blessing since beginning this Torah journey?

Can I say my husband and children? They are such a true treasure and joy to me. I think spiritually my paradigm shift, looking at this faith from the outside and inside and the ability to put on those shoes when I need an attitude adjustment or change of mind. I wouldn’t have met my husband if I had not studied the Sabbath and began to go to a Sabbath keeping congregation. That is where I met him. It’s so nice to have someone to walk the path with.

  • What has been your biggest challenge?

The biggest challenge is trying to fight against the world entering my home and not making any compromises while still being a gentle and kind light to non-believers and stay a non-nagging wife and mother.

  • What does a typical Shabbat look like in your house?

We start off the Sabbath with a special dinner and it’s the only night I “dress” the table. Candles lit, home clean, dinner made, beds made, music playing and cups raised! Usually our four year old has something special to drink along with us. We are totally unplugged from the world and family time is essential. Stories from Torah or the Scriptures read by daddy after dinner. Sometimes I do a Torah craft with my son, Asher. The next morning we get to relax because Sabbath Services isn’t until 2 pm. We usually take a walk at the local nature preserve and talk about creation, herbs and such. We have a simple meal on Sabbath and mostly snack on healthy treats. We might listen to scriptures a little more and then we get ready to go. We love signing and fellowshipping on the Sabbath and there is always a good message for all of our ears to hear. We end the Sabbath with dinner and family time. In the past we have used this day to try and “find him” in everything we do. It’s a peaceful, restful day and we take this time to be unplugged and not “busy”. We look forward to it every week.

  • At your season in life, what is your most significant contribution to the Messianic community?

My friends have said that I inspire them in modesty, kindness, and being a good listener. I think the best contribution that I want to make is to be humble. I think if I can achieve that I would be a good help to the community. I share many things online with friends to keep us strong and I initiate women’s bible studies as much as I can, I think we have to stay strong for our families during these times we are in. I encourage young women to dress modestly and recommend a few good books written by women on the subject.

  • What would you like to share with other believers?

I would like to share that the law is not a burden or curse. It tells us how to love our Creator and gives us a standard to rise to. It’s a comfort rather. His set apart days are his plan and map for the future while also explaining past events. We have so much to look forward to and I am so excited to one day be united with all my brothers and sisters. Keep the faith! Endure until the end!


Thanks and may all of you have a favored walk down the narrow path!

Jessica Oren


Thank you so much for giving us a glimpse into your life, Jessica!

Jessica can be found at the following places:

As a doula – and on facebook

At her herbal website –

If you would like to take part in the Torah family interview, please contact me at sheepmommy @ I would love to get to know you better. 🙂



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