I don’t share all my life details and struggles online. I’m sure you don’t either. Some struggles are kept deep inside. We may not be prepared for the possibility of criticism or judgment, so we keep our struggles hidden. But there is One who understands. We are safe in His arms, and we don’t have to fear an unjust critical look from Him. He can meet our needs in amazing ways, even when we only confided in him. He showed me this once again recently and I’d like to share it with you.
Caleb has had some difficulty maintaining good weight gain. I sought help from La Leche League, had him weighed every two weeks, slowly introduced high calorie foods, and prayed and prayed and prayed. He is making great progress now but my momma heart sure worried. YHVH knew all about it. He provided the answers Caleb needed, but He also didn’t forget about me. Mommas have needs, too. We need emotional support. We need to know someone cares. We need to talk to people who have been through these struggles before. YHVH knew I needed encouragement.
I was quite surprised when I received an unexpected letter. It was from a lovely woman who had only met me for five minutes. She wrote words of encouragement and affirmation, reassuring me that I was about YHVH’s business as I raised my family. She gave me a page and a half of verses to pray over Caleb. I have spent hours praying those verses over Caleb and myself and my whole family. That act of kindness has been such a blessing to me.
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. Proverbs 25:11
I thought I was struggling alone, and I felt alone, but YHVH met my needs in a big and unexpected way. He can do the same for you. Cast your cares upon Him, and He will meet your needs. I had to wait on His timing, but He definitely came through. He wants us to learn to trust. He wants to be the One to care for us, His children.
We must learn to be the encourager as well. Has YHVH put someone on your heart and mind? Perhaps He wants to use you to meet a need. Sometimes all it takes is an encouraging note like I received. Don’t ignore the prompting of the Rusch Hakodesh. Someone out there needs you to be an encourager. I am so thankful that this wonderful lady encouraged me.
How has YHVH met a need in your life recently? Have you been able to be an encouragement to someone lately?