Welcome to Torah portion Ha’azinu.
Ha’azinu means Listen.
Scripture passage: Deuteronomy 32:1-32:52
Read Aloud from My First Torah
Moses taught the people of Israel a song.
It went something like this:
Listen, heaven and earth!
May my teaching be as helpful and refreshing as the rain.
I will praise YHVH!
YHVH is perfect and just.
He is faithful and never does anything wrong.
YHVH is our Father who made us.
He decides where each country will be.
But He gave the best to His people Israel.
He found Abram in the desert, and began to care for him, like a mother bird cares for her chicks.
He cared for Abram’s descendants, giving them the best of everything.
But they began to get lazy.
They no longer trusted YHVH to care for them.
They began to turn to other gods!
They made sacrifices to gods that were not real.
They forgot that YHVH was the One who gave them life.
YHVH decided to let them choose their own way.
They did not turn to Him, so He would no longer turn to them.
He would let them seek after other gods.
They would be cursed with disease and famine.
Wild animals would chase after them.
They would fear the sword.
They have rejected wisdom.
YHVH knew what was best for them, but they refused to listen.
All the good things that YHVH blessed them with have become poison to them.
YHVH warned them.
He told them they must obey.
But they did not listen and He must bring the curse.
They turn to their gods, but they do not hear.
Those gods have no power because they are only statues.
YHVH has the power to give life and take it away.
He has the power to hurt and heal.
He does what He says He will do.
The people can rejoice before Him, because He is more powerful than any other god!
Moses taught this song to all the people so they would always remember to obey.
Moses would die very soon, but he would be allowed to see the Promised Land before he died.
My First Torah is available as a full color paperback.
Suggested Activities
Copywork passage: Deuteronomy 32:1-3
Print your own tracing copywork book
Coloring pages: Aish Challah crumbs
Read aloud stories: Aish
Worksheets for different ages: One Torah for all
Older child studies: Torah explorers Restoration of Torah
Torah principles
- YHVH is always faithful to His people.
- We receive blessings when we obey and cursings when we disobey.
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