Anointing your home as a family

Why anoint your home? The home is the center of our family life. I love how Brad Scott would describe Scripture as being all about a man, a woman, a house, and a piece of land. The tagline of Torah Family Living is ‘helping you make Torah the heart of your home.’ The home is […]
Talking finances with your spouse

Money seems to be one of the biggest pain points in marriage. In other subjects, we are the epitomy of grace and cordiality, but when talking finances, we may fight like cats and dogs, or avoid the topic entirely. Neither approach gets things done. Today, I’d like to share with you a few tips for […]
Ezer Kenegdo resource list

This is a topic I have wanted to write about for some time. But it seems to be one of those things that – the more I learn, the more I realize I don’t know. I don’t feel prepared to write my own article yet, but I want to help women learn their role as […]
Pray for your husband

It seems so obvious to pray for our husband when we say it aloud, but we might be falling a bit short in practice. Today, I’d like to give you lots of practical help in the important task of praying for your husband. The tips are helping me, too. Pray in the moment There is […]
Practical niddah

UPDATED! I wrote the bottom portion of this post on niddah back in 2012. Since then, my husband and I have grown in our understanding of niddah, and I want to show you what we have learned. But, I don’t want to delete those original thoughts because they were part of my journey, and I […]
Saying I’m sorry

Apologies are important, and so much more than saying sorry. YHVH asks us to have a heart of teshuva, of repentance. Not only should we confess our sin to YHVH, but we should apologize to each other. A sincere apology is a healing salve to a hurt relationship. I learned this lesson well this week […]
Building our homes – Lessons from Nehemiah conclusion

As we reach the end of our Nehemiah study, we find ourselves full circle back to the beginning. Neh 8:2 So Ezra the priest brought the Law before the assembly, both men and women and all who could understand what they heard, on the first day of the seventh month.Neh 8:3 And he read from […]
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