Back in 2005, we were able to act on a dream that my husband had since childhood. We bought acreage and began our journey into homesteading. I grew up in the middle of nowhere surrounded by farms, and my husband spent many happy summers at his grandparents’ farm, so we were very excited. We have raised sheep, goats, cows, horses, chickens, ducks, and children here. We are thrilled to be able to share our knowledge and experience with you, as well as the fruits of our labors. Please take some time to peruse our videos and resources. If you live near Northern Michigan, we also have animals, eggs, and produce for sale from time to time.

Resources for learning
I have made several short videos of life on our farm, from gardening to chicken care. You can find them all on my rumble channel here.
I have learned so much about homesteading from well chosen books. I have a selection of used books that will help you on your journey. Check out my current selection here.
Farm products for sale
We have several Welsh Harlequin eggs almost ready to hatch. We are charging $7 a duckling, straight run. We offer local pick-up only. We are in Northeastern Michigan, not too far from the coast of Lake Huron. If you are interested in purchasing some ducklings, please email me first at, and we can communicate further.
Welsh Harlequins are beautifully colored ducks that can lay 250-300 eggs a year. If you haven’t had duck eggs, you are in for a real treat. Make sure your ducklings have access to water, and keep in mind that even a kiddie pool will work if you don’t have a pond.
We offer farm fresh chicken eggs when we have extra, at $3 a dozen. Please contact me for availability first. Thanks!
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