My Boycott Book



In the current cultural climate, we can feel powerless to effect powerful change in society. But, there is still a powerful tool in our belt, the traditional boycott. This book is designed to help you create and stick to a boycott plan that works for you and your beliefs. Inside, you will fill fillable pages to record the companies and products that you choose to boycott for your personal reasons. Each page has a place to write the company or product name, your reason for boycotting, a list of related companies and brands (other companies they own, etc.) and any changes the company makes as a result. It is small enough to keep handy for reference, such as in your purse or by your computer. Nothing worthwhile is accomplished without a plan. My hope is that this open-ended book will be your planning tool in your own boycott journey. This book won’t tell you who to boycott or why you should boycott. It simply gives you a place to record your own boycotting choices so you can be consistent.

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