Copywork basics

We don’t use 100% Charlotte Mason methods, but our homeschool has been heavily influenced by her ideas. Copywork is a fundamental of her approach to language skills. So, today I’d like to talk a bit about copywork, how to approach it, what it accomplishes, and how to best make use of our copywork books. What […]
Incident report forms

We had the most hilarious and inspiring parenting incident not too long ago, and it was all inspired by a facebook post. I read this clever idea of requiring incident report forms when a child wants to tell on another child. I did not have a chance to make up some official forms before an […]
Family Torah School 2013 – Day 4

This summer, spend a week with your kids having fun and learning more about Torah, reminiscent of vacation Bible school. This year’s theme is “My favorite farm animals.” The kids helped pick out a farm animal for each day, and everything for that day is loosely tied to the animal. Here you will find a […]
Family Torah School 2013 – Day 1

This summer, spend a week with your kids having fun and learning more about Torah, reminiscent of vacation Bible school. This year’s theme is “My favorite farm animals.” The kids helped pick out a farm animal for each day, and everything for that day is loosely tied to the animal. Here you will find a […]
Movie review – The Story of Ruth
Our family decided to take the plunge and join a movie club. We settled on Christian Cinema, to be able to get good family films and Biblical dramas. Today, I’m excited to review a movie we recently watched called The Story of Ruth. My children and I enjoy Biblical dramas, particularly for a peek at […]
Printable stories
Do your kids like a good story? Print them off their own little books that gently teach Torah principles. My Little Torah Books (2-7 yrs) Torah Story Readers (5-9 yrs) Sarah and Danny Adventures Of Tents and Stars – Sarah […]
Hebrew resources
We love the Hebrew language! It is the first language, and the language of the Creator! We feel that immersion is the best method of learning a new language, so we all learn together as a family. We have tried to replace common words in our home, or at least use the Hebrew and English […]
The Children’s Ketubbah Project

Do you struggle with parenting? Are you getting bogged down with day to day tasks and forgetting the big picture? Our ebook, The Children’s Ketubbah Project, will help you reorganize as a parent. Get ready to refocus your efforts and look at the details of preparing your children spiritually for life. In this ebook, we […]
New video – Do Not Steal
We had a blast creating this little video for you. The kids helped write and design it. We hope you can use it as a tool to help apply Torah principles to everyday situations. If you enjoyed it, please let us know! We have ideas for more, but we definitely want to know if you […]
Our India box
We had a delightful time this afternoon making an “India” box. We will put our change in it, and then send the money to GCGM orphanage in India. We started with a box from dishwasher detergent packs. Then the kids drew pictures of things that make them think of India. We have tigers, […]
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