Why do I keep Torah?

I’ve never written a post like this before, since I have always assumed that people who find my site already know to keep Torah. My job is to help them teach their children, and see the implications of keeping Torah in everyday family life. But, I have realized that, at some point, we each need […]
Create a children’s Torah notebook

I’m always on the lookout for ways to make Torah practical and real for my children. I don’t want them to see the Bible as a bunch of antiquated stories that are fun to listen to but don’t really mean anything. Today I stumbled upon an idea that I hope you will find helpful. It’s […]
Do your best

Why did I just put a picture of a bunch of birds? Well, because the idea for this post came to me on the way back from the grainery, where our chicks and ducklings currently reside. I went out to tuck them in for the night and turn on the radio to deter the local […]
Who is your God?
Often circumstances can overwhelm us, or I see something disturbing on facebook. Doug will see something on the news and we get a bit scared. We have taken to asking each other a very simple question. Who is your God? Immediately we are encouraged. Why? First, we know who our God is not. He is […]
Shabbat Q & A
Question from a reader: How do I avoid the little jobs on Shabbat? Answer: It takes planning to truly be able to rest on Shabbat. If you don’t plan, things will creep up and need handling on Shabbat. Here is a list of tips that I have learned in the last few years as I […]
Can we obey 98% of the time?
As we enter into the fall feasts, we are given a wonderful opportunity to evaluate ourselves. We need to look in the dark corners of our closets, peek under the cupboards, organize that high shelf. So it is at this time that I ask the question: Am I obeying YHVH 98% of the time? Yahshua […]
What is Torah family living?

What is Torah family living? What does it look like? It will look slightly different in every family, but there are common factors. The main idea is to take the principles found in Torah very seriously and seek to apply them on a daily basis. There is much more in Torah than Sabbath and the […]
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