10 days of heart issues – Be grateful

Be grateful

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name.     Psalm 100:4 

We all know that we are supposed to be grateful, but sometimes it is easy to forget. We dwell on the problems and struggles, but we don’t see the good. I thought it would be fun to think of things I am thankful for. It is not a complete list and I hope you’ll add to it.

  • sunshine
  • laughter
  • cool breezes
  • fresh vegetables from the garden
  • being surrounded by wildlife
  • the gift of life
  • my soulmate
  • the ability to be productive
  • the little nature treasures my children bring me, and the delight in their eyes
  • Shabbat – permission to sit still and drink in life
  • knowledge to better ourselves
  • trials that do not crush, but strengthen
  • access to truth
  • stars
  • butterflies
  • opportunity to teach my children
  • food that tastes great and builds my health
  • family

What are you grateful for? Please share in the comments! 🙂

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One Response

  1. Answered prayer!! And the ability to come before our Heavenly Father with those prayer requests.

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