Finding a constant in a crazy world

I’ve had a very emotional week. I’m five months pregnant, and that’s not an excuse. It’s a reason. Some things you might understand. There are other things that I wouldn’t even attempt to explain to the mouse in my pocket. After spending half an hour crying and praying while hiding behind the clothes in my closet, I realized that there are few things in this world that we can truly count on. I can’t count on my children getting their schoolwork done everyday. I can’t count on my husband always greeting me with a smile. I can’t count on food prices being affordable. I can’t count on my loved ones always being there. I can’t count on my little corner of the world being the same tomorrow or in twenty years.

But I found a constant while I huddled in that closet. That constant is YHVH. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. As I cried on my knees, He said two words to me: Trust Me. He is the One that can be trusted. In a world that sometimes feels very chaotic and insecure, those words can seem too big to believe. But they are true. He can be trusted. He has always been there and will always be there. He doesn’t change His mind or His methods. The very words that the world is so quick to discard are the very words that bring me the most joy.

He never changes.

Our worlds can seem very slippery and dangerous. They have many ups and downs. I don’t know about you, but I never really embraced the whole roller coaster thing. I like steady, solid walks. But life tends to be a bit different. One day you’re thrilled that the kids got all their schoolwork done and got great scores in math. The next morning you wake up to find out a dear friend lost her dad. One minute you are overcome with the blessings surrounding you. The next minute you are trying to time bill paying with pay checks.

We need to hang on to our Constant. We need to admit that we need Him. We need to go to Him with our struggles and let them go. We need to trust Him. He’s got us covered. And He’s not afraid of our smiles or our tears. Even if a few of those tears are because we’re five months pregnant and everything seems larger than life.

Thank you, YHVH, for being my constant.

And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. (2 Cor. 12:9)

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