Welcome to Torah portion Tetsaveh.

Tetsaveh means you shall command.

Scripture passage: Exodus 27:20-30:10


Read Aloud from My First Torah

Moses was instructed to make his brother Aaron a priest.

Aaron would do all the jobs in the tabernacle, with the help of his sons.

They would offer sacrifices on the altar.

They would keep the menorah burning and prepare the bread for the table of showbread.

They would burn sweet smelling spices, and take care of other jobs.

Aaron and his sons would wear special clothes called the priestly garments.

The priestly garments would include a tunic, or long shirt.

Over the shoulders, the priests would wear an ephod decorated with two special stones.

The stones would have the names of the twelve tribes of Israel carved into them.

Over the tunic would go a special decorated breastplate.

It would have a different gemstone for each tribe of Israel.

The priests would wear a blue coat with bells and pomegranates hanging from the bottom hem.

Aaron would wear a turban, or hat, on his head with a gold plate that read, “Set-apart to YHVH.”

The priestly garments would be made of linen and be very modest.

YHVH wants each of us to keep our bodies covered.

Moses was instructed to consecrate Aaron and his sons.

This means that he followed YHVH’s instructions to set them apart for the important job of being a priest.

He offered animals as an offering to YHVH.

He offered a sin offering.

This reminds us that when we choose to disobey YHVH, it will cost us dearly.

An animal had to die for Moses to make a sin offering.

Yahshua died to be our sin offering.

We are very thankful that He came back to life again.

Moses listened very carefully to YHVH’s instructions about preparing Aaron and his sons to be priests.

He wanted to be sure to obey everything that YHVH said.

The job of priest is very important, and it was a great honor for Aaron to become the high priest.

YHVH explained that He would meet with the people of Israel at the tabernacle.

He would live right there with them and be their Elohim.

He wanted them to remember that He had brought them out of Egypt to be His people.

YHVH also explained how to build the altar of incense.

The altar would be made of wood and covered with gold just like the ark of the covenant.

It would also have rings and poles for carrying.

Aaron would burn sweet smelling spices on it each morning.

YHVH likes the smell of spices, and did not want anything else burnt there but spices.

He even told Moses about a special recipe of spices that He wanted.

YHVH wants to be worshipped in a certain way.

He tells us exactly what He wants us to do.

If we are to be His people, and He is to be our Elohim, we should follow exactly what He tells us to do.

My First Torah is also available as a full color paperback!

Suggested Activities

Copywork passage: Exodus 29:45-46

Cursive copywork book for all the Torah portions

Coloring pages: Aish   Challah crumbs

Read aloud stories: Aish

Worksheets for different ages: One Torah for all

Older child studies: Torah explorers   Restoration of Torah

Project Torah portion

Lessons in Yeshua’s Torah – a book packed with activities for each Torah portion (affiliate link)

Morah, Morah, teach me Torah – a book written to help you teach preschool children (affiliate link)

Context for kids video

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