Welcome to Torah portion Ki Tisa.

Ki Tisa means when you take.

Scripture passage: Exodus 30:11-34:35

ki tisa

Read Aloud from My First Torah

Moses stayed up on Mount Sinai as he listened to YHVH’s instructions about the Tabernacle and the priests.

He learned about how each man was to give half a shekel of money for the service of the Tabernacle.

He learned about the laver, where the priests would wash themselves before serving in the Tabernacle.

He was given the recipe for the spices to burn on the altar of incense.

YHVH chose two men to build the items for the Tabernacle.

He chose Bezaleel and Aholiab.

They were given amazing abilities to make things.

YHVH also explained to Moses just how important it is to keep the Sabbath.

It is a sign of the covenant, the promise, between YHVH and His people Israel.

It also helps us to remember that YHVH made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day.

Then YHVH gave Moses two tablets of stone.

He wrote the Commandments on them with His finger.

But the Children of Israel down in the valley were tired of waiting for Moses to return.

They begged Aaron to make them a god that they could see.

They forgot so quickly that YHVH told them not to make gods.

Aaron told them to gather their gold jewelry and he melted it down.

Then he made a statue of a calf, much like one of the gods that the Egyptians worshipped.

All of Israel rose up and worshipped the golden calf.

They called it YHVH, the god that brought them out of Egypt.

They forgot to follow YHVH’s instructions.

He told them how He wanted to be worshipped.

He didn’t want to be treated like one of the Egyptian gods.

YHVH knew right away that they had sinned greatly.

We cannot hide anything from Him.

YHVH told Moses all about the wickedness of the people, and sent him down to deal with them.

YHVH was so angry that He was ready to destroy them all.

But Moses prayed for them, and asked YHVH to forgive them.

YHVH did forgive them, but they would still get in trouble for worshipping an idol.

When Moses saw the people acting crazy and worshipping a statue, he got very angry, too!

He threw the tablets of stone on the ground and they broke.

Then he burned up the golden calf, ground it into powder, put the powder in the water, and made the people drink it.

Moses stood at the gate of the camp, and asked, “Who is on YHVH’s side?”

All the tribe of Levi came and stood by Moses.

They chose to follow YHVH and do what He commanded.

Then the tribe of Levi went and killed all those that had been involved with the golden calf.

Sin is very serious, and the punishment is very serious.

We must always be careful to obey the Torah.

The Torah teaches us how to please YHVH and do what is right.

The Children of Israel did repent of their sin.

This means that they decided to not worship any more statues, but only worship YHVH.

My First Torah is available as a full color paperback.

Suggested Activities

Copywork passage: Exodus 31:12-14a

Tracing copywork book for all the Torah portions

Coloring pages: Aish   Challah crumbs

Read aloud stories: Aish

Worksheets for different ages: One Torah for all

Older child studies: Torah explorers   Restoration of Torah

Project Torah portion

Lessons in Yeshua’s Torah – a book packed with activities for each Torah portion (affiliate link)

Morah, Morah, teach me Torah – a book written to help you teach preschool children (affiliate link)

Get more ideas on Pinterest!

Exodus/Shemot ideas

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