Help me live Torah

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
(Pro 3:5-6)

In a world of checklists and step by step instructions, it is hard to explain how to live Torah. It’s not a ten step plan. It’s the journey of a lifetime. So in my desire to help you on the journey, I will bring you along on mine. These posts are my life. They are a window into my world. Sometimes everything looks pretty. Sometimes things are a bit raw. But in all, we are doing our best to trust YHVH and learn as we go. I thought I knew things a few years ago, but I have learned that I still have much to learn. It’s a wonderful trip! Please enjoy the ride with us.

My life posts

Consider it my online journal about life and trying to live out Torah every day.

The Children’s Ketubbah Project

This ebook is about parenting. While it contains some how-tos, it’s more about having a heart that is completely committed to your children and demonstrating that to them everyday. Others that have read it changed their view of being a parent. I invite you to take your commitment to biblical parenting up a notch.

30 days of Torah parenting

Get ready for a month long journey towards more purposeful parenting. Each day, try a new idea with your children. Some will be fun, and some will make you think a bit more deeply about your role as parent.

Articles about family life

Here you will find articles I have written about various aspects of family life. Some are about marriage, or parenting, or even home management. Did you know we can learn about taking care of our homes from Torah? Yep, it covers everything.

Torah family interviews

I have been blessed to meet other lovely families that are also seeking to apply Torah to their everyday lives. They were kind enough to answer some questions so we can get to know them a bit better.

Torah family interview #1

Torah family interview #2

Torah family interview #3

Torah family interview #4

Torah family interview #5

If you would like to participate in a future interview, please contact me at sheepmommy @ Thanks so much for your willingness to share.

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